FELIWAY Diffusers help your cat to feel secure and happy, even in different surroundings or changed situations. When a cat feels happy and safe in its environment, it deposits pheromone (scent) marks on furniture or other prominent objects. These marks convey a message of well-being and a feeling of safety. FELIWAY mimics the cat’s natural facial pheromones to create a state of familiarity and security in the cat's local environment.
FELIWAY is available as a diffuser and as a spray and can be used in the following situations:
- To make your cat feel safe and secure
- To calm your cat if it is showing symptoms of stress
- To reduce stress when there is disruption to your cat’s environment
- To help integrate multi-cat households
Feliway® Refill Vial: 2% synthetic copy of F3 fraction of cat facial pheromones.
100g isoparaffinic hydrocarbon
Feliway® Sprays: 10% synthetic copy of F3 fraction of cat facial pheromones, 90% other ingredients (alcohol-based)